When you walk into someone’s home, the things you see give an indication of their personality, interests, tastes, travels, etc. Likewise, walking around Astoria gives a sense of the unique personality of this place. I have come to love the diversity, artistic sensibility, creativity, political activism, and sense of humor that is often evident. I like to keep my eye out for something unexpected that I haven’t see before. I am rarely disappointed!
I photograph from sidewalks; I never intrude onto private property. If a photo is taken indoors, it is a building in Astoria with public access. I might take a picture of something in a window, but again only from the sidewalk and only something intentionally displayed and meant to be seen.
I love to encounter the artistic, philosophical, political, whimsical, humorous, or ephemeral.
So much of life is here for a brief moment and then gone. A quote that resonates: “[The aim of life] was to teach man to concentrate himself upon the moments of a life that is itself but a moment.” — Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray
© 2024 Carol Merwin, All Rights Reserved. Images may not be used without permission.